On the question of setting the level of calculated impact and reliability of high-rise construction
On the question of setting the level of calculated impact and reliability of high-rise construction

On the question of setting the level of calculated impact and reliability of high-rise construction

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-1-43-56


Жемчугов-Гитман Дмитрий Михайлович Dmitry M. Zhemchugov-Gitman
postgraduate student. Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Мозжухина Любовь Владимировна Lyubov V. Mozzhukhina
postgraduate student. Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Уздин Александр Моисеевич Uzdin A.M.
Dr. of Eng, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: high rise buildings, seismic stability, seismic input level, reliability, risk
The question of setting the seismic design input on high rise buildings is considered. The existing approaches to accounting for increased responsibility of high rise buildings in Russia are described. The proposal to reduce the probability of an acceptable building failure in proportion to the number of floors and Guideline proposals to increase the reliability factor and using maps of general seismic zoning are analyzed. The main disadvantages of methods described are indicated. It is shown that the current regulatory documents in the field of earthquake engineering do not provide the same reliability of designed structures in general and high-rise buildings in particular. The influence of seismic dangers in according with seismic zoning maps on the reliability of the designed objects is noted. An approach to generating the design input based on the permissible probability of its exceeding is considered using the example of five five-storey buildings and one 25-storey buildings. The probability of the admissible damage value included in the normative calculations is estimated. An estimate of the allowable failure probability on the value of acceptable damage (risk) is proposed under the assumption of a normal distribution of damage caused by earthquake. It is shown that the allowable failure probability decreases with decreasing acceptable damage only in the area of small damages. An approach to the assignment of seismic action based on an assessment of seismic risk has been formulated. The system of design coefficients used to calculate seismic loads on high-rise buildings is analyzed. It is noted that along with an increase in the design level of seismic acceleration, it is necessary to increase the coefficient, taking into account the low damping of high-rise buildings oscillations. At the same time, it is possible to significantly reduce the reduction coefficient by regulating the strains between the building floors.
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