The Most Important Aspects of Calculation and Designing the Basis of the Gravitational Supporting Wall for Seismic Load
The Most Important Aspects of Calculation and Designing the Basis of the Gravitational Supporting Wall for Seismic Load

The Most Important Aspects of Calculation and Designing the Basis of the Gravitational Supporting Wall for Seismic Load


Minaev O.P.
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), associate professor of the Department of construction and operation management of military infrastructure facilities of Military institute (engineering and technical) of Military academy of logistics named army general A.V. Khrulev & of the Department of hydrotechnical facilities, structures and hydraulics of the Institute of water transport of Admiral Makarov State university of maritime. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: retaining wall, stability, sand backfill, base, soil liquefaction
The article outlines the most important aspects and summarizes the main results of the calcula-tion and design of a gravitational retaining wall reinforced concrete corner with a front con-sole and massive reinforced concrete on the seismic load. A comparative analysis of the calcu-lations for the operational case with static and seismic load for a wide range of input data is given. It is emphasized that during the design of the base of the retaining wall it is not al-lowed to liquefaction the sandy soils of the backfill and cushion at its base, which will lead to a catastrophic loss of the bearing capacity of the base soils and the stability of the retaining wall. To increase the stability of the structure of sandy soils, the liquefaction process should be applied by effective vibrodynamic methods of their compaction, developed by the author.

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