On determination of the soil massif frequency characteristics
DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-5-67-78
Aleshin A.S.
д-р физ.-мат. наук, зав. лаб. ИФЗ РАН
Rubric: Viewpoints
Key words: frequency characteristics, soil mass, horizontal and vertical groups, computer modeling, pulse excitation of seismic vibrations
Frequency response is one of the essential parameters characterizing seismic vibrations of the soil mass, and its determination is one of the most important tasks of engineering seismology. The article considers various variants of field and computational methods for obtaining the frequency characteristics of the soil massif, both advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered methods are noted. It is shown that the most reliable and physically clear results are obtained when a short pulse is used as an exciting impact.
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