Experimental determination of the coefficient of longitudinal interaction of soil and pipeline under seismic vibrations
Experimental determination of the coefficient of longitudinal interaction of soil and pipeline under seismic vibrations

Experimental determination of the coefficient of longitudinal interaction of soil and pipeline under seismic vibrations

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2020-5-8-18


Исраилов Мухади Шахидович Israilov M.
доктор физико-математических наук, профессор

Хасамбиев Мохаммад Вахаевич Hasambiev M.V.

Senior lecturer, 
Grozny state oil technical University, Grozny, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: underground pipeline, laws of interaction with the ground, coefficient of longitudinal interaction, seismic problems, theory of experiment

In engineering approaches to calculating the seismic resistance of underground structures, in particular pipelines, it is important to find experimentally the forces of interaction with the ground, as this frees us from the need to solve a difficult dynamic problem for the ground (elastic or having more complex mechanical properties). In this work inaccuracies are corrected and further development of the known from literature theory of quasistatic experiment for determining the coefficient of longitudinal interaction of soil and underground pipeline in seismic problems is given. It is shown that only the second approximation for the named coefficient in the expansion with a small parameter, equal to the ratio of the length of the pipe sample to the length of the seismic wave, takes into account the longitudinal deformation of the pipe; the first approximation corresponds to the experiment with an absolutely rigid pipe.

strict reduction of the seismic problem to the problem for relative pipeline
movements is presented. Conditions are found on the external (remote from the
pipe) boundaries of the soil, the fulfillment of which ensures the correctness
of determining the coefficient of longitudinal interaction for seismic problems
in experiments
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