Experience of dynamic monitoring of a base isolated building of a marine station located in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city
Experience of dynamic monitoring of a base isolated building of a marine station located in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city

Experience of dynamic monitoring of a base isolated building of a marine station located in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-5-47-66


Гизятуллин Ильнур Раэлевич Ilnur R. Giziatullin
head of the Structures calculation sector of LSSIMS, TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Бубис Александр Александрович Alexander A. Bubis
Head of Structures Earthquake Resistance Research Center of TSNIISK named after V.A.Kucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Смирнова Любовь Николаевна Smirnova Lyubov N.,
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Scientific secretary of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Ставницер Леонид Рувимович Stavnitser Leonid R.
Dr.Sci. (Engineering), professor, сhief specialist of
the NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation 

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: dynamic monitoring, lead rubber bearing, seismic isolation, seismic isolation system

Introduction. The problem is considered and the relevance of studying the behavior of buildings and structures with seismic isolation systems using lead rubber bearing under real seismic impact, as well as assessing their technical condition after the earthquake, is emphasized. The experience of studying the behavior of base isolated buildings under real seismic impact abroad and in Russia is given.

Materials and methods. The dynamic parameters seismic isolation of a reinforced concrete building using lead rubber bearing are investigated. Registration of seismic vibrations of the building was performed by a stationary station for dynamic monitoring. The results of processing the records were obtained based on the interpretation of monitoring data, including harmonic analysis, determination of the power spectral density and signal transfer functions, as well as the application of wavelet transform methods.

Results. The data of dynamic monitoring of the seismically isolated building of the sea station located in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for the reporting year 2021 of monitoring are presented. The analysis of the reaction and dynamic parameters of the building during the most intense seismic events for the reporting period was performed.

Conclusions. The analysis of the results showed that the system of seismic isolation of the building during earthquakes of low intensity operates in the area of the initial rigidity of the seismic isolation supports, and the dynamic parameters of the seismically isolated building depend on the intensity of the seismic impact. It is concluded that the time-frequency analysis using wavelet transform methods has advantages in the analysis of dynamic monitoring data of buildings and structures with seismic isolation systems over the Fourier transform. The methods for analyzing dynamic monitoring data described in this article can be effectively used to assess dynamic parameters and then analyze their changes during the operation of base isolated buildings and structures. The study presented in this article shows that with the help of dynamic monitoring of buildings and structures, one can get a more complete and detailed understanding of their dynamic behavior, identify damage in the structural system of a building, and detect their undesirable or specific reactions that could not be taken into account when designing.

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