Prospects for the use of structural systems of suspended buildings in seismic areas
Prospects for the use of structural systems of suspended buildings in seismic areas

Prospects for the use of structural systems of suspended buildings in seismic areas

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-5-64-72


Белаш Татьяна Александровна Tatiana A. Belash
Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor, JSC Research Center of Construction. Moscow, Russian Federation

Ilia V. Svitlik

postgraduate student, Department «Building structures, buildings and structures», Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University. Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Seismic safety and seismic isolation of buildings   
Key words: high-rise buildings, suspended structures, seismic impact

There are many approaches to ensuring the stability of high-rise buildings to seismic impacts. Among them, it is worth noting the use of suspended structures. This approach makes it possible to reduce the loads in load-bearing structures caused by dynamic influences. The effectiveness of the use of suspended structures in earthquake-resistant construction was confirmed by studies of the behavior of such objects in earthquake conditions. The development of computer systems allowed us to unlock the potential of using suspended structures in seismically dangerous areas. However, the engineering community has not yet come to an unambiguous solution to the problem of significant displacements of suspended ceilings during low-frequency seismic impacts. The question of ensuring the stability of the core structures of the building also remains open. Proposals for solving these problems, as well as the supporting structures of suspended high-rise buildings themselves, are diverse. This article discusses the main existing and promising design solutions that provide earthquake resistance of high-rise buildings with suspended structures. The results of computational studies of these design solutions are given in the article

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