The possibilities of using the geophysical methods in calculation of the levels of seismic hazard for large infrastructure objects
The possibilities of using the geophysical methods in calculation of the levels of seismic hazard for large infrastructure objects

The possibilities of using the geophysical methods in calculation of the levels of seismic hazard for large infrastructure objects

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2020-5-32-53


Брыжак Евгений Вадимович Bryzhak Ye.V.
аспирант, ИЗК СО РАН, Иркутск

Rubric:     Seismic zoning   
Key words: engineering seismology, seismic hazard, grounds, intensity increment, seismic-wave velocities

This paper provides the summarized geophysical and engineering-geological data obtained from the project studies and engineering survey of large infrastructure facilities. For illustrative purposes, the paper deals with the analysis of different combinations of engineering-geological and seismic environments with regard to recommendations for general seismic zoning (GSZ) of aerodrome complexes in Siberia and Mongolia. The authors considered the possibility of overall impact of near-surface layers on the project studies and engineering survey of large infrastructure facilities and potential applicability of the geophysical methods in determination of seismic hazard level for the facilities studied. The probability of prediction of the impact of near-surface engineering-geological section on the level of manifestation of seismic properties of certain types of soft sediments and rock formations is based on the study of main parameters of geophysical fields directly within the studied facilities and regions as a whole. The initial data for substantiation of engineering-seismological conditions in monitoring large facilities studied were obtained from the integrated instrumental geophysical measurements (seismic and electrical surveying, microseismic recording) and theoretical calculations. The results of a large volume of geophysical research conducted in the near-surface geological sections of large infrastructure facilities are summarized and presented in the tables of ground conditions in natural and artificial environments. The results presented as variants of seismic design parameters for the summarized engineering-geological sections, seismic properties of typical grounds and parameters of seismic design models of typical sections allow determining seismic hazard level for large civil and industrial facilities. Generalized results of complex geophysical studies, showed the possibility of their use for design and engineering seismological surveys and assessment of the level of seismic danger, in the parameters of seismic impacts, for large industrial and civil facilities in Mongolia and Siberia.


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