Galyautdinov Z.R.
Galyautdinov Z.R.

Galyautdinov Z.R.
канд. техн. наук, Томский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет


Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Reinforced Concrete Beams on Yielding Supports over Oblique Sections under Seismic and other Dynamic Loads
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The paper presents the results of experimental studies of reinforced concrete beams on supports with different ductility under short-time lateral loading. The resistance of structures along oblique sections at different shear spans is considered. For the beams considered the numerical analysis is made using the ad hoc software. The results of the analysis are compatible with the experimental values. By the results of the analysis made one traces good agreement between theoretical and experimental data.

Деформирование железобетонных плит на податливых опорах при динамических воздействиях.
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During the last years, civil and industrial buildings and structures are exposed more frequently to dynamic pressure caused by emergencies. One of the ways to improve the resistance of structures exposed to dynamic loads of great intensive activities is the use of yielding supports. This article presents the results of research of reinforced concrete slabs surround yielding supported. Yielding supports are presented in the form of wrinkle ring inserts, which are characterized by three phases of deformation: elastic, elastoplastic, and elastoplastic with hardening. In given researches the behaviour of the slab is analysed in an elastic phase, the behaviour of the supports - in elastoplastic and elastoplastic with hardening phases. The completed research has allowed to evaluate the influence of rigidity of yielding supports in the plastic stage of deformation. The findings also allowed to explain the nature of distribution of rigidities along the perimeter of the slab and the level of deformations of yielding supports in the transitionary point in the stage of plastic deformations on the behaviour of the concrete slabs. According to the results of the performed calculations, the physical and mechanical parameters of supports that allow to get the maximum effect were revealed. This effect is associated with a reduction in the stress-strain state parameters of structures.