Ovsyuchenko A.N.
Ovsyuchenko A.N.

Ovsyuchenko A.N.


Detailed Seismic Hazard Assessment for the City of Kaliningrad
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a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:719:"The brief results of a detailed seismic hazard assessment for Kaliningrad on the basis of a complex of geologic-geophysical methods are stated. The reality of seismic threat for the city was shown by 2004 year earthquakes. Seismotectonic and seismological features of the region, including a seismotectonic position of the Kaliningrad earthquakes, are considered. According to the received materials, the source of 2004 earthquakes is located in the northwest of the Sambian peninsula and represents seismogenerating capacity at a depth of 7–11 km. The detailed map of the seismic source zones is made. On the basis of this map and parameters of a seismic conditions the predicted seismic hazard assessment is obtained.";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}

The Detailed Assessment of the Seismic Risk in the Territory of North Caucasus
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The results of a new aggregation of data of the seismic hazard for the Northern Caucasus presented. The fundamentally new layout seismotectonic basis for seismic hazard maps in the region prepared. On the background of this model the calculations of seismic effects on a probability basis were fulfilled. On-drawn maps the region of Northern Caucasus looks as a seismically dangerous area where levels of seismic effects reaches 8.5 degrees on cards in terms A and B and little bit exceeds 9 points on the map C. At the same time, in comparison with the data of the map GSZ-97 (General seismic zoning - 97) the results of regionalization seem more differentiated and, in general, significantly reduced the level of seismic hazard in the region. The fulfilled work is important from the methodological point of view in the light of the prospects for the compilation of new maps of General seismic zoning of the territory of Russia.