Zhdanova T. V.
Zhdanova T. V.

Zhdanova T. V.
ассистент кафедры прикладной математики НИУ МГСУ


Experimental study of steel towers sets of power lines for seismic regions
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The natural gas and oil located in remote areas are characterized by high seismicity, resulted in the necessity to apply various constructive solutions of power transmission line for their uninterrupted energy supply both before and during the earthquake and after it. Therefore, recently the problem of studying the behavior of different constructive solutions of sets of transmission towers under seismic input is a topical one. The paper presents the data of experimental studies on steel towers sets of power lines 6 -10 kV, intended for use in areas with seismicity of 7-9 earthquake magnitude on the MSK-64 scale. The tests were carried out in the testing laboratory of V. A. Koucherenko CREE TSNIISK in 2016. The method of testing and the results of experimental studies are presented.