Investigation of the reliability of reinforced concrete tanks for storing clean water in conditions of high seismicity of region
Investigation of the reliability of reinforced concrete tanks for storing clean water in conditions of high seismicity of region

Investigation of the reliability of reinforced concrete tanks for storing clean water in conditions of high seismicity of region

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-6-46-54


Сангинов Абдусамад Мирвафоевич Sanginov Abdusamad M.
Research scientist of the Laboratory of the Building Resistance to Earthquakes, Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, National academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, PhD (Candidate of Science in Technics)

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: elements of load-bearing structures, strength, reliability, seismic resistance, seismic impact, natural vibrations, rigidity, strength safe operation
The paper presents the results of a study of the strength, non-viability, reliability of structural elements of two reinforced concrete tanks for storing clean water with a capacity of 750 m3 each, which are located in the Khovaron mahalla of the city of Dushanbe, and recommendations are given on the possibility of using the structures for their intended purpose. It should be noted that the city of Dushanbe is located in a 9-point seismicity zone according to the maps of the general seismic zoning of the Republic of Tajikistan.
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