On the dependence of soil friction on the intensity of pressure in the calculations of a retaining wall for a seismic load
On the dependence of soil friction on the intensity of pressure in the calculations of a retaining wall for a seismic load

On the dependence of soil friction on the intensity of pressure in the calculations of a retaining wall for a seismic load

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2023-1-9-28


Minaev O.P.
Cand. Sci. (Engineering), associate professor of the Department of construction and operation management of military infrastructure facilities of Military institute (engineering and technical) of Military academy of logistics named army general A.V. Khrulev & of the Department of hydrotechnical facilities, structures and hydraulics of the Institute of water transport of Admiral Makarov State university of maritime. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: retaining wall, soil friction, load, operational, seismic, wave, intensity

The paper presents the results of the calculation of gravity retaining walls of various types (reinforced concrete corner with a front console and massive reinforced concrete) without taking into account and taking into account soil friction when calculating operational static and seismic loads. Calculations were carried out for given dimensions of retaining walls and characteristics of backfill soils from sandy soils on weak clay base soils. Based on this, a dependence was obtained to determine the angle of friction of the soil on the rear surface of the wall under seismic loading of various intensities. The paper emphasizes that the obtained calculation results are in good agreement with research data on the behavior of sandy soils under dynamic wave loads.

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