Assessment of the resistance of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems to progressive collapse based on the principle of the level of permissible damage
Assessment of the resistance of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems to progressive collapse based on the principle of the level of permissible damage

Assessment of the resistance of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems to progressive collapse based on the principle of the level of permissible damage

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2021-3-61-72


Mitrovic Bozidar
Moscow State University of Civil  Engineering, postgraduate student

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: Load-carrying structures, stress-and-strain state, design prediction, calculation model, progressive collapse

The paper presents a method of using the reduction factor to ensure the stability of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing structures to progressive collapse.

Studies have established the values of the reduction factor based on the accepted value of the relative deformation corresponding to the formation of an admissible zone of "destruction" of the support section of the overlap under the action of transverse forces, as the main criterion for asessing the stress-strain state of monolithic reinforced concrete structures for the failure mode of a vertical supporting structure.

The accepted deformation criteria for a special limiting state correctly reflect the conditions for the formation of an admissible amount of damage to elements of bearing reinforced concrete systems.

The reduction factor (K1) obtained in the framework of the research performed is the most important deformation characteristic of the special limiting state of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems of buildings and structures for an emergency design situation associated with the failure of a local structural element.

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