Power and energy spectra as criteria for the intensity of technogenic, dynamic and seismic impacts
Power and energy spectra as criteria for the intensity of technogenic, dynamic and seismic impacts

Power and energy spectra as criteria for the intensity of technogenic, dynamic and seismic impacts

DOI: 10.37153/2618-9283-2022-6-8-17


Минасян Арман Арамаисович Arman A. Minasyan
Cand. Sci. Engineering, head of the Reinforced concrete structures sector of the Laboratory of brick, block and panel buildings  of TSNIISK named after V.A. Koucherenko JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation 

Marina L. Shuklina
engineer of the Laboratory of Brick, Block and Panel Buildings  of TSNIISK named after V.A. Koucherenko of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation

Ставницер Леонид Рувимович Stavnitser Leonid R.
Dr.Sci. (Engineering), professor, сhief specialist of
the NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov of JSC RCC. Moscow, Russian Federation 

Rubric:     Theoretical and experimental studies   
Key words: seismic impacts, ground acceleration, energy, earthquake, power spectra

Power and energy spectra are considered as additional criteria for the intensity of technogenic, dynamic and seismic impacts. Analyzing the consequences of a number of destructive earthquakes, it was revealed that the intensity of seismic impacts, in addition to ground acceleration, directly depends on the spectral characteristics of the energy and power of external influences. When calculating the design of dynamically tenacious systems, it is necessary to take into account the power and energy spectra in addition to the acceleration spectrum.

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